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Fuller Newsletter 12

Writer: Fuller HallFuller Hall

Upper Campus Talent Show

Hello everyone

I hope you are all doing well.

You may have heard of the talent show that will be happening between Fuller Hall and Upper Campus Residence.

Please note that since the audience will not be allowed in the venue because we are following covid-19 protocol, the whole event will be broadcasted on Fuller Hall’s Instagram.

If you would like to virtually attend this event, make sure you log in 5 minutes early.

Date: 20 August 2021

Time: 7pm-9pm

You certainly do not want to miss the amazing performances!

Make sure you diarise the date and time.

Warm regards

Nasiphi Yekelo

(Culture and Drama Representative)


Gym and Sports Equipment

Hello everyone

I hope you are all doing well.

Thank you to everyone who attended the Opening of Fullergy event. I hope you enjoyed yourself.

The Fullergy gym space will not be used this year, however the gym equipment is available to students to use.

Please note that everyone has access to this equipment.

The gym equipment available:

· 5kg plates + barbell bars + safety clips(you can also get only the plates)

· 2.5kg plates + barbell bars + safety clips(you can also get only the plates)

· 2kg dumbbells

· 3kg dumbbells

· 4kg dumbbells

· Gym ball

· Exercise wheel

· 12kg kettlebell

· 8kg kettlebell

· Skipping rope

Please note that sport equipment is also available to students to use:

The available sport equipment:

· Basketball balls

· Soccer balls

· Netball balls

· Hockey sticks + balls

· Tennis racquet + ball

· Chess boards

Sign Out Process:

-Contact the sport rep either by email ( or WhatsApp(0660944052). I recommend using the WhatsApp method.

-A student can only keep equipment for a maximum of 3 days and the equipment will be sanitised when they are bringing it back

-A sign out book will be available when you collect the equipment

Warm regards

Nasiphi Yekelo

(Sport Representative)


Upscaling Day

Greetings Fullerites!

This Sunday we will be having an Upscaling Day event. Fast fashion is a huge contributor to climate change and results in a lot of wastage and tons of clothes being sent into landfills every year. To combat our effects on the environment, the GCI portfolio is holding an event where you can get more use out of old or boring clothes that you don't wear anymore. There will be plenty of supplies provided for you to add some new life into your old clothes. If you do not have any old clothes here, there will be a very limited number of plain white T-shirts available for you upscale but ideally you should bring old items of clothing that you already own. The event will be in B Quad at 14:00. Please see the poster attached for more details. There will also be snacks and good vibes going around so I hope to see you there. There are only 50 spots available, so make sure you sign up on the google form below:

When: Sunday, 22 August at 14:00 Where: B Quad

Green regards,

Laylaa Manack

(GCI Representative)


Self-defence Workshop

Hi Mapule,

Please include the following in the announcement.

Join us on Saturday for a fun self-defence workshop instructed by the UCT Thai Chi society. This workshop intends to help you gain confidence to analyse potentially dangerous situations and give you the tools to overcome them. There will be snacks and refreshments available to help you stay energised.

Date: 21 August 2021, Saturday

Time: 10:00 – 11:30

Venue: Upper Common Room, Fuller Hal

Sign up for the self-defence workshop below:


Thazo Masanabo

(Student development Representative)


Sports Sign Ups

Hello everyone

I hope you are all doing well.

We have decided to open sports sign ups again this semester to allow students who were not able to sign up in 1st semester a chance to join the different sports teams.

Please note the available sports you can join are:

· Netball

· Soccer

· Jogging

If you part of these sports activities, you do not have to sign up again.


Warm regards

Nasiphi Cynthia Yekelo

(Sport Representative)


Cleaning Complaints

Dear Fullerites

I hope you are well and keeping warm.

We received complaints about the some of the Flats not being cleaned. The main reason behind it is that over the past two weeks some of the cleaning staff including the staff supervisor and Aunty M were on sick leave due to Covid. So, less staff was available to clean all the flats.

Aunty M however, said that she will talk to the cleaning staff to make sure that all the flats and the study areas are cleaned.

Your understanding of the situation and patience will be really appreciated.

Warmest Regards

Mapule Nonyane

(Maintenance Representative)



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